Today I'm wearing my recently washed blue lace 3/4 length sweater. It didn't go back to its original size like my knitting friends said it would. It is just as big if not bigger than before and I didn't stretch it out when it was wet. I laid it out gently to dry flat. So...I'll never make something out of cotton again to fit. I'll make it 2 or 3 sizes smaller. These arms are supposed to be short, and now they are full length. My grandmother put dibs on it when I first finished it, that she wanted it if it didn't work for me. I'll think about that. I don't know if I want to part with it quite yet after all my toiling.
In other news, we're getting quotes to fix things that were awry with the duplex, so we can negoatiate with the seller to fix them. We're waiting for a wood rot man to call us back.
On the wedding planning front, tonight we have a visit with a florist. Tomorrow, a dress fitting. This past weekend, I found the most wonderful shoes to go with my dress, and I also stumbled across great bridesmaid gifts!
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